E-mail: info@vtechcomputer.org.ng | Call: +2348116804780 | Country : NIGERIA  

Why Choose us

We are licensed and certified to conduct ICT training, maintenance and services of various kinds. We are duly registered and incorporated under the COMPANIES AND ALLIED MATTERS ACT 1990 RC NO:2523875, Awaiting CPN Accreditation.Our ICT Instructors are professionals in their field with outstanding qualifications. We have become a benchmark in the industry and our clients can also testify of our outstanding integrity. You can be rest assured of Professional services with VTECH ACADEMY. CLICK TO DOWNLOAD VTECH COMPUTER ACADEMY REGISTRATION FORM

Free Scholarship

We offer free scholarship to qualified students in ICT EMPLOYMENT & ENTREPRENEURSHIP.. Vtech Nigeria supports students who are academically brilliant and have an interest to make a career in IT but do not have the means to do so. Some of these students have physical disabilities and need an IT qualification which would give them a fresh start in life. Some bright students are unable to pay their course fees and are deprived of quality education which can make a difference in their lives. We work with NGO’s,IDP's to identify such students and allow them requisite scholarships.Vtech Nigeria allows fee waivers to a few of such deserving students every year. Some students with disabilities enjoy free education at our centers. CLICK TO DOWNLOAD VTECH COMPUTER ACADEMY REGISTRATION FORM

Latest Training Materials & Siwes i.t training

Learn with the latest software & hardware Technology. We are always conversant with the latest technologies. We offer free training to Siwes i.t students. CLICK TO DOWNLOAD VTECH COMPUTER ACADEMY REGISTRATION FORM

Experienced Trainers

Learn under a very conducive environment with the necessary equipment to get you started

Clients Testimonials


Our service is to develop and mentor old and vibrant youth in the ICT industry who will use their acquired ICT knowledge to solve various problems in our society.

Easy Access

Our trainers are easy to access for consultation . The training center location is also easily accessible from anywhere in Jos.

Largest number of Courses

Vtech Computer Academy, is Nigeria's leading training academy for ICT Certification courses. We are committed to bringing you the highest quality and world class training at a very affordable price. We offer over 100 courses for students and working professionals of Electrical & Computer Engineering,App development, Animation,Accounting Software Packages, and Desktop Publishing. We specialise in the following courses, Microsoft Project, Autocad, Programming, Networking & CCNA, ICT Employment & Enterpreneurship,Digital Marketing,Graphics Design etc. Whether it is to pass your certification exams, improve your business or enhance your career,we will help you to achieve your dreams.


We are seen as a value added company that combines experience, expertise and uncanny human relations backed by state of the art...We also deliver the best technological services that offer outstanding quality and are professional in every way.

To give our students and client the best services and render a free follow up and consultion services.

At Vtech Computer Academy, we are passionate about your need to become an ICT professional. We fill the gap between your passion for ICT and the exorbitant amount required to acquire these skills. At Vtech Computer Academy, we believe that ICT knowledge should be available to everyone in respective of their income. With experienced trainers in both classroom and industry, we are convinced that anyone with passion for ICT can become a professional in no distance time.

We want to bring ICT knowlegde to the door step of every Nigerian by making it affordable, easy to learn and practical oriented. To be the best ICT training firm in terms of quality and practical training and affordable programs.









What are the Benefits of VTech Academy

VTech Computer Academy training would solve the problem of unemployment among the youths; fresh graduates, corpers, and undergraduates. They will acquire skills needed by employers for employment. Also, the training would harness all trainees for own job creation their.

VTech Academy is an innovative company that aims to engage a critical mass of young & old people across Nigeria to acquire basic technical skills and confidence required or needed for employ-ability and job creation.

Head of Instructors

Automatic Employment for 10 Trainees

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